Thursday, February 22, 2007

Getting Greener

Luckily I was still jet-lagged, because today started bright and early with 'Chi-Gong' at 6:30 am...

The morning continued with some serious manual labor including weeding and collecting of organic materials in order to start two different compost piles for the great 'Compost Competition'(whichever pile decomposes first wins...). My team is the 'Pink Organic Elephants'.

(#1. The G.A's doing some intensive weeding)

(#2. Nate as a frog)

(#3. Slaves to ecology? Note the beautiful desert landscape...)

(#4. Benja posing next to a hippie truck)

(#5. Mike and Yisrael- Our fearless eco-leaders)

(#6. Proud 'Pink Organic Elepahnts'-From left: Yigal, Marc, me, Caitlin, Healy, Mikey, and Nate)

After a tiring morning and a well-deserved break, the G.A.'s blazed through the afternoon's team-building excercises with flying colors. Led by an occasionally absent-minded professor named Alex, a blind experience followed by secrets revealed and crossing a toxic river left all in good spirits.

(#1. Alex directing at right)

(#2. Us kids crossing the toxic river)

After dinner, the evening ended around a campfire which Marc initiated right outside our little abode (#991). Once again we were all treated to didge-vibrations by the firelight. I think this will be a good 10 weeks...

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