Monday, February 26, 2007

Desert dreams

Today was one of the most exciting class days yet. Our local Kibbutz Lotan tour guide, David, took our G.A. group out 'into the wild'. It made me appreciate how amazing it is that these people have actually been able to make the desert bloom... the kibbutz is practically an island oasis in an awe-inspiring wasteland. The most scarce resource here, water, comes from pipes drilled 60 to 600 meters deep into the earth, and is definitely a finite resource. David said that at the current rate of use the water will run out in only 80 years... I hope that we will address this issue later on in the G.A. course. Until then, we had a tantalizing introduction to the arava valley.

(#1. Look at me! I'm in the desert!)

(#2. Up we go)

(#3. And around we go)

(#4. Through the wadi)

(#5. Seeing the possible dangers of flash floods)


The rest of the day's activities were pretty standard G.A. fare, some garden work and sowing seeds in the nursery. All in all I am still excited and learning lots!


Ron Lachman said...

Are the bones from a dead camel? What other large animals would be found in Negev?

Unknown said...

Hey Julia, what a fine photo of bones here in the desert! I really like it.